turkish idioms ne demek?

Turkish idioms are expressions that convey a figurative meaning different from the literal meaning of the words used. They are a fundamental part of the Turkish language and culture. Here are some examples of Turkish idioms:

  1. "Ayağını yorganına göre uzat." - "Stretch your feet according to your blanket." This means to live within your means or to adjust your behavior based on your situation.

  2. "El elden üstündür." - "Hand is above hand." This means cooperation brings success and that it's better to work together to achieve a common goal.

  3. "Dinlemeden sır vermeyin." - "Don't reveal secrets without listening." This means that you should make sure you're not sharing confidential information with the wrong person.

  4. "Gün ola harman ola." - "Let the day pass, let the flour be milled." This means that everything will happen in its own time, and patience is needed in waiting.

  5. "Yeni dostlar bulmak, eski dostları unutmak kolay değildir." - "Finding new friends and forgetting old friends are not easy." This means that it's important to value and maintain long-term friendships.